Questions H&N Layer Academy 2021 – Asia
H&N Breeders and Distributors of the world finest layers
H&N Breeders and Distributors of the world finest layers

    Questions H&N Layer Academy 2021 – Asia

    H&N International


    May 11, 2021

    - May 12, 2021


    What is the ideal form of feeds at laying period?


    Mash feed as long as it has a the particle size is uniform. Check page 51 of any of our layer management guide.
    When limestone quality is poor (high marble content), what can be a low cost calcium alternative?


    The cheapest is to change the supplier, the water additions of calcium always are expensive.
    What is the name distributor in Vietnam?


    He hasn’t started the business yet, it will be disclosed in the next 3 months.
    What is your marketing strategy for India. How do you plan to grow your market in India?
    We have a marketing plan to make the breed known and we are aproaching different egg producers who could be interested to take the lead and control the DOC supply by themselves.
    How often do you update the H&N performance parameter?
    We select continuosly the birds, so we improve our birds year by year. However, it is not feasible to change our management guides and performance standards every year. We review our management recomendations and our performance standards every 3-4 years.
    What is the difference between Nick Chick and Super Nick? /
    What is the difference between Super Nick and Nick Chick? Performance? Egg size? Robustness?
    The difference between Nick Chick and Super Nick is the egg size. Nick chick is focus on highest production of eggs of medium size, whereas Super Nick focus on markets where big egg size has an added value and for producer that want to maximise egg mass production. The difference in cumulative egg size is 1.8g and Nick Chick lays 6-7 eggs more at 100 weeks. Both birds have a great adaptability to any kind of environment and a high performance of saleable eggs with an excellent eggshell.
    Hi, can I have the contact details of your partner in the Philippines? Please check in our website. You have to go to MENU and chick “buy layers”.
    Is there any distributor in Malaysia?
    Not, now. If you are interested in becoming, please contact us in our website.
    What’s the difference between the current breed that H&N has and previously under Lohmann?
    The genetic lines from H&N has been always indepent from the Lohmann lines. However the geneticist team was the same and the selection strategy similar since 1987. Since 2016 there is a dedicated genetic team to develop the H&N lines and to adapt the birds to the requirements of the H&N customers. The selection strategy and the selection goals was presented by Dr. David Cavero during this academy.
    Is there any GP in Malaysia?
    No, our business is based on selling the parent stock and we own the GP. There are some countries that they only allow the GP import, in those cases we could make exceptions.
    How does H&N understand the market for Nepal? Since there are other new layer breeds upcoming.
    We have a strong position with great partners in Nepal, so we all are ready for any challenge.
    In Sri Lanka we want to make a demand among farmers. Can we get some attractive advantages of this breed than other breed. Can send leaflets to share in web
    Check our information on our website and we will be more than happy to address your questions.
    My Name is JV Catan from the Philippines. A ready to Lay Producer. We are glad to be supported by Kane Chanlim with our supply in Mindanao


    Thank you for the business.
    My Question would be, for conventional buildings, mostly used here in the Philippines, can they be made more ready for hotter climates especially with climate chage making the world warmer?There is always some solution to improve conventional houses. As discuss during my presentation you can start with (simple) things to reduce direct daylight influence, and to keep drinking water cold. We see that climate changes brings challanges all over the world te keep our layers in good condition. Best way to discuss the possibilities with local technical people from H&N.
    In the Philippines, there are more open sided (conventional) housing compared to tunnel ventilated farms. Environmental temperature is also usually at 32C. How does this affect the production?Heat stress has definitely an impact on the performance of the birds, feed intake is reduced and consequently egg size is reduced and production can be compromise. Our birds are selected to adapt well to any kind of environment and to keep a good feed intake, which will help them under these conditions. Additionally any action taken to reduce the temperature and the heat stress of the birds (as has been discussed in a presentation during this academy) will help the birds to reach a good performance.
    How can we sustain the egg production in deep litter open house shed if the temp is above 32C? Any extra supplement that work?The production in those conditions will have some limitations due to the climate conditions. H&N birds will adapt as much as possible. The cheapest solution is to keep water temperature cold 27 C and try to make a summer feed diet to compensate the low feed intake due to heat stress.
    How about for conventional buildings where the sides are open and the airflow cannot be controlled. are roll on and off curtains needed?To use role on, and curtains can be a first step to control climate inside the house. Reduce direct sunlight influence during the day, or prevent (colder) draft in the night period.
    When you say maximum 80% humidity will be beneficial, do you mean the humidity at the outside or inside of the house? ThanksWhen outside humidity measure >80%, cooling pads or spraying water doesn´t give any positive effect to your climate inside the poultry house.
    What are suggested climate system for conventional buildings?For hot-climate area´s closed houses with controled inlets and tunnelventilation for production. For rearing would be better to add some fans for minimum ventilation in the roof for the first weeks of age (0-7 weeks)
    Would you recommend controlled climate system buildings for parent stocks? We are based at the Philippines.For hot-climate area´s closed houses with controled inlets and tunnelventilation for production. For rearing would be better to add some fans for minimum ventilation in the roof for the first weeks of age (0-7 weeks).
    How can we sustain egg production if the temp goes above 32 degrees on a open side house?When there is a forcast of hot weather, you can support the flock before with some vitamins, and during hot period you can give vitamin-C. During hot period use some extra fans during the day to create some air-speed, and with Humidity <80% it is possible to spray water on the roof, or beside the house (inlets) keep drinking water also as cool as possible.
    What your reccomendation type of henhouse in tropical condition?For hot-climate area´s closed houses with controled inlets and tunnelventilation for production. For rearing would be better to add some fans for minimum ventilation in the roof for the first weeks of age (0-7 weeks)
    What short term management technique should we do when there is an extraordinary spike in temperature? In an open sided house. When there is a forcast of hot weather, you can support the flock before with some vitamins, and during hot period you can give vitamin-C. During hot period use some extra fans during the day to create some air-speed, and with Humidity <80% it is possible to spray water on the roof, or beside the house (inlets) keep drinking water also as cool as possible.
    In your slide, can I said 35C temperature will have chances of lower shell weight, which mean the chances of crack egg is high ?Lower feed (calsium) intake what brings the birds to use the calsium from there one bones. With this the condition of the birds is already going down, and after that also problems with eggshell quality
    How about the heat temperature in opened house layers cage in indonesia country can caused heat stress? how can we actions for that? thank you sirWhen there is a forcast of hot weather, you can support the flock before with some vitamins, and during hot period you can give vitamin-C. During hot period use some extra fans during the day to create some air-speed, and with Humidity <80% it is possible to spray water on the roof, or beside the house (inlets) keep drinking water also as cool as possible.
    My farm is open side in Indonesia, the out temperatur some time can reach near 36 degree. If I use the Fan, until how much degree the temperature in house you recomended?With fans inside the house you can create some chill effect, means effective temperature of -8°C with every 1 m/s airspeed. Please note that overal temperature stays the same!
    Breeds like BV 300 indegenous to India are well adapted to hot and humid climate with less micro climate management. How does your bird handle this?The genetic potential of our birds is higher than local breeds and we are teting the H&N birds also under hot climate environments, this information is used to select birds that are resilient and can cope with challenging environments. Our birds have a good adaptability to hot climate keeping a good performance.
    Is it better to invest in Tunnel-ventilated buildings in tropical countries for breeder stocks? Or is climate management in Conventional houses still okay?For hot-climate area´s closed houses with controled inlets and tunnelventilation for breeder production. For rearing would be better to add some fans for minimum ventilation in the roof for the first weeks of age (0-7 weeks)
    Relative to roof paint, is there a recommended color of paint to use?Prefere to use white paint for the best reflection of the Sun.
    What do you think about putting ice or menthol in water to keep the layers cool in tropical countries with conventional houses? would you recommend it?I would focus in reducing the water temperature to 27 C instead of adding products in the drinking water.
    What can you say about the adjustment on feeding schedule when the weather is too hot?You should feed during the cooler time of the day, until 10-11 am and after 2 pm. However check that feed isn’t missing at 1 pm. The first feeding in the afternoon should be double as you will have hungry birds. Also you should give a midnight snack of 2 hours.
    The temperature are always high in my area, we are using wind chill to chill the birds, will there be any health issues with the long-term wind chilling effect?Keep in mind that 1 m/s airspeed give -8°C effective temperature. Means you need to measure always the outside and inside temperature to be sure that there is no cold draft. (Most risk during the night period!) Also very dangerous to use it with young chicks (0-7 weeks) With constant hot climate the use of the chill factor doesn´t give any negative effects.
    How differences the strain of layers egg brown and egg white in egg weight and first laying egg? thank you so muchBrown layers have a higher egg size than white layers which starts already at the beginning (for example Brown Nick lay on average eggs that are 1g hevier than Super Nick). However, white layers tend to lay more eggs so at the end the egg mass production is very similar between brown and white layers.
    Normally for H&N, how many time natural moulting is happen along life?? What should we do if it happen abnormal time (assumption feed intake & titer is normal). Thank youThe H&N birds don’t molt naturally in production as long as water and feed is available. I would suggest to check if molting is profitable as the H&N birds can be in production until 100 weeks of age.
    Are the genetic selection based on region, or there are different selection for different region?We follow the strategy to select birds that are adaptable to any kind of environment. To achieve this we send birds with known pedigree to different locations worldwide under different climate conditions, feeding and management practices and use this information to select the best birds under all these different tests.
    Can you ellaborate more on your Indian Customers. How many chicks you sell now here in India?Our busines model in India is to sell parent stock. We had a customer in the north in India, but we discontinue our agreement because how the business was managed. We have parent stock available for those who want to have a great bird that can adapt to the conditions of India.
    How can we address the shortage of DOP in the Philippines?We are working with our distributors so they can supply the market as soon as possible.
    How can I maximize the crack detector machine in helping me to monitor the egg strength by weeks? any reference?You can see some guidelines in the literature. These data need to be crosscheck with the amount of broken data in your farm. It is another indicator of quality.
    Do you have genetic improvement geared towards layer persistence of egg production until 100 weeks…pls commentWe are testing our birds in our breeding farm for more than 100 weeks without molting and there is more potential to make improvements at late ages than at peak of production, that’s why our focus to increase the number of saleable eggs is to increase the production of eggs together with a better eggshell quality specially at the end of the cycle.
    How do you compute the IOFC again? thanks.IOFC is the Income Over feed Cost, so basically you calculate the revenue you get from the egg production and you substract the cost of the feed (which normally represent 60-70% of the total production cost). One formula that is frequently used for general purposes is: IOFC = Price of 1kg Egg * Egg Mass Produced – Price of 1 kg feed * Feed Consumption. Depending on how the egg producer is selling the eggs, the revenue of the egg production can be further be splitted calculating the prices and number of eggs produced in each of the egg size classification.
    What type of breed is fit in the philippines?In the Philippines right now are two breeds from H&N Super Nick and Nick Chick, the two options differ on the needs of the egg producer, if big egg size is important then Super Nick will have and advantage
    I live in Indonesia with high climate. I want to ask you, in my closed house why the depletion still high? 15-20% ( depletion ), and the feed intake 124-125gr/birds, protein feed 18.15 and Energy 2747, whats your suggest ? what do i have to reset for my closed house ? If you close your house the depletion rate will be lower and second you will need to check your feed management because in your conditions is almost impossible to have birds eating 125 grams unless the birds are throwing feed to the floor or somebody is stealing it.
    What is the cost differential between conventional cage system and cage free (aviaries)?Taken the old EU cage system of 550 cm²/hen moving to aviaries without free-range means a cost increase of 20-25%, if the aviary is with free-range then the cost increase is 30-35%.
    On your monitoring, what is the usual acceptable percentage of egg cracks/ grade outs per day (out of total HDEP)? Thank you!There aren’t absolute values, as the first important variant is the egg size. Please contact us and we can talk more about it.
    What would be an acceptable maximum % of non saleable eggs?There aren’t absolute values, as the first important variant is the egg size. Please contact us and we can talk more about it.
    Any performace data can share for H&N layer in hot and humid regio? In-terms of maximum cycle, total eggs and production. Please contact us and we will be more than happy to share with you.
    Why do you used dozen for standart not per hen?? Thank youBecause is some countries, like US and Canada, the most common selling unit is dozen of eggs.
    In India average sale of egg per Dozen is Euro 0.49. You production cost is more than Sale cost. Will your bird be suitable for India?Of course H&N is suitable and a great option for Indian. The costs you saw in the example of the presentation are from Spain, threfore only represent costs in this country.
    Your objective for downgrade is 1 % but in your cost computation you put 6 % as downgrades… what is the usual % of downgrades in actual farms with H N breed. In the presentation was showed how important is to reduce the downgrades by better management, nutrition and etc because every 1% of reduction is translated into a higher profit per hen. The % of downgrade depends on many variables like: management, weather, nutrition, equipment, etc. Therefore is not possible to stablish a standard for H&N. However, under normal % in the begiining of the production cycle should be less than 1,5% and at the end of the production cycle less of %. Averaging a total of less than 3,0-4.0% for the whole cycle.
    What is acceptable cost of antibiotik per hen, vitamin per hen, and vaccine per hen? in South East Asia areaSorry we don’t have this data.
    For downgrade egg (cracked/damaged etc) & saleable egg, how many % that H&N offering?? Thank youIn the presentation was showed how important is to reduce the downgrades by better management, nutrition and etc because every 1% of reduction is translated into a higher profit per hen. The % of downgrade depends on many variables like: management, weather, nutrition, equipment, etc. Therefore is not possible to stablish a standard for H&N. However, under normal conditions a % in the begiining of the production cycle should be less than 1,5% and at the end of the production cycle less of %. Averaging a total of less than 3,0-4.0% for the whole cycle.
    How to compute for IOFC? Egg Mass (g) X egg price – Feed Consumption(g) x feed price = IOFC
    What is the egg weight for first 2 weeks?Please check the information of our breeds in
    How long should we have an empty feeder every day? When the distribution of the pullets/layers is good, the feeders should come empty all over the house at the same time. When this is not the case you need to check the housing conditions. (stocking density, climate on different places/levels in the house) We advise start block feeding direct after empty the feeders.
    Why do we need to take body weight in the front, and in the back of the house? There is a risk that feed distribution is not 100%, and together with select feedintake it can make a different how much, and what kind of (mash) feed the birds eating in de front, or back of the house. Also climate influence can give effect on grow of the birds/pullets.
    How many LUX light we need in rearing? In cage 5-7 Lux from 5-6 weeks of age, in cage-free 10 Lux for white pullets, and 15 Lux for brown pullets.
    Do you have caging information in the mgmt guide. Do you provide layout for the building and also the caging space information?Recommendation can be found in our New Managment Guide Cage on our H&N Website.
    How to avoid the prolaps..?Achieve the body weight at 5-6th week and proper light stimulation based on the target body weight recommended by H&N.
    What week do you suggest to move pullet to Layer house? and we found weight loss by transport, what do you suggest?Advise to transfer on 16-17 weeks of age. Vaccination program should be complete. No needle vaccination during transfer. Body weight should be on standard. When there need to be tranfer on earlyer age, use developer feed till 17-18 weeks of age, don´t stimulate in hours light and intensity of light. Try also to feed on a empty feeder in production, te keep the pullets active on the feed, and let them take the complete mashfeed.
    How do you compute uniformity? Do you compute it using the CV?We have a nice exel program that calculate the uniformity.
    What week can you start midnight feeding without compromising the lighting programYou can start from 3 weeks of age. Normal you have a daylenght of 16 hours at that time. Take 3 hours darkness before, and after the 2 hours midnight feeding.
    Does amino acids in drinking water, aid in feed intake & weight gain?It is a too expensive solution.
    How to prevent Prolaps problem from the rearing periodAchieve the body weight at 5-6th week and proper light stimulation based on the target body weight recommended by H&N.
    When practicing step down – at what week should we complete the stepdown process (deadline)Depending on type of housing system (open/close) and wishes to produce higher or lower eggweight in production, you should complete the step-down period at 10-11 weeks of age latest!
    What the condition is needed midnight lighting ??Basic is to give pullets/layers extra time to eat. Be sure that there is always 3 hours darkness before, and after the 2 hours midnight lighting. Provide light, feed and water during these 2 hours.
    What impact if we put too much lightning program? is it impact to birds health?In production it can have effect on egg production, and also on behaviour of the layers. Means never go above 16 hours of light in 24 hours.
    What are the reason for 3 hours darkness before and after midnight snack?With these 3 hours before, and after the 2 hours midnight feeding the layers feels like it´s a complete 8 hours night/rest, and the 24 hours production cycle isn´t disturb.
    Is split AM-PM feeding worth it? From what age? Thanks. It is complicated if you don’t have good management.
    It is advisable to keep the pullet slightly overweight.? Maybe 50g
    It is advisable to keep the pullet slightly overweight.? Maybe 50g
    It could be useful but only at the end of production.
    You mentioned a while ago that start the feeding when feeders are empty during rearing and in production – will it cause stress to birds if the feeding time change from time to time especially during production? Thanks a lot!Very important to start this feed training in start of rearing (4-5 weeks) and continue this during whole live period after that. You need to check weekly when the feeders are empty, and change the time for the first feeding on that. Feeders should come empty, and direct after that start the first (block) feeding. We don´t want to see a empty feeder for longer time! With block feeding (2 times feeding in short time) we want to reduce the risk that bird (Higher in pick order, or on the first lenght of the feeders) take the courser parts of the feed, and the birds (Lower in pick order, and on the end of the feeders) only get the fine parts of the feed.
    What is your comment on water quality and dirty egg?In rearing the period of 3 til 10 weeks is the most critical period for pecking/canibalism. When you see any pecking lower the light intensity. For the first action on that you need to lower the light intensity, but also check nutrition, feeding managment, climate to be sure that this is all OK.
    For cannibalism noted in pullets, how low will you recommend to reduce light intensity?7 lux
    In the Phils most use commercial feeds so we do not know the energy. can we stick 1 month booster day 1 to day 30 to just hit or make chicks heavier to prep for stress periods like vaccination by injectYou need to monitore the chicks everyweek and if after 1 month they are on body weight you can change to the next feed.
    How long should we provide midnight snack?Maximum 2 hours
    If we do light stimulation too early when many of birds not ready what will happen?Pullet is not ready, and production is starting. Big risk that the layers run out of gas in the production period and can´t make it till the end of production period. Early drop of production, undesirable behaviour, higher mortality.
    What watts of bulbs do you suggest during rearing and production? thank you We recommend to move to LED technology step by step.
    What is the salt for?Estimulate feed intake.
    Is that any effect from bulb color for laying periode?It doesn’t have negative effect, however they can get dirty quickly and the longevity of the bulb could be an issue.
    What do you think of spraying water on the birds during hot weather?This is a good management when relative humidity is below 80% and is complemented with high air speed. Always keep in mind to prevent wet litter. The foggers/mysters must work under a timer.
    What recommendation do you have for vaccinating during hot weather?Adjust the quantity of volumes of water used for water vaccination to reflect the increased water intake during hot weather. Water vaccinations should be administered whihin 1 to 1,5 hours during hot weather and during morning hours after lights go on, and do not withhold drinking water. Keep an eye when spray vaccinating during hot weather because some vaccine reactions could be worse due to hyperventilation of birds under heat stress (for example, newcastle). Postpone vaccinations during heat stress periods whenever possible. Keep the vaccines in cold temperature until the live vaccines are administered. Bronchitis is very heat sensitive.
    Have any recommendation to make good uniformity in rearing period? Do we need to do grading 100% for all birds and separate the birds by grade/weight even the feed full feed?If your uniformity is below 70% (Cv > 12) you may need to grading: small and normal/big. Key factors for good uniformity are: feed space, stockign density, balanced diets and feeding management.
    There is lethal temperature for chicken is same in every place…?Yes. However keep in mind the interaction between temperature and relative humidity: Heat Stress Index. Places with high relative humidity have a lower critical temperature.
    Will 6-8:1 water to feed ratio create more dirty eggs?Yes it can, due to higher water excretion, higher chances to have dirty eggs.
    Is it possible to shift the lights off period to the mid-day(hottest period) to prevent heat stress?Yes, this is a great idea. Need to be done gradually (especially for floor flocks).
    Are there disadvantages of feeding high density diets during summer?No, if they are well balanced to give the necessary nutrients in low feed intake conditions. Formulating diets for digestible amino acids, highly digestible ingredientes (For example, fats to provide energy), adjusted levels of calcium and phosphorus, etc. The disadvantages come when you dont follow those guidelines.
    What is the relationship of high temperature and egg shell quality? Please elaborate more…When birds are panting or hyperventilating to lose body heat, there is an excessive loss of CO2 from the blood, increasing the blood pH. This condition is called respiratory alkalosis. The higher blood pH reduces the activity of the enzyme carbonic anhydrase, which reduced the calcium and carbonate ions transferred from blood to the shell gland. Another impact of high temperature is on the reduced feed intake, reducing the Calcium intake.
    Does it help to reduce heat if we install pipe with water mist on the roof when the temp is 32C and higher?Yes, it helps. This a good management during hot weather.
    Do we need to prolong days of treatment during hot weather because higher water intake means faster feed passage?No, if you calculate the right doses and match that calculation with the feed or water intake you shouldn’t need to prolong the days.
    During heat stress, is it recommended to increase the level of Vitamin C in the feed/water?Yes it is recommended because during high temperature the requirement of vit C is higher. Inclusion of Vit. C at 150–400 g/ton of feed or 200 to 300 ppm Vit C in drinking water.
    What supplements are effective for heatstressed birds? For recoveryProvide in water vitamins (A, D, E and B complex), electrolytes and sodium bicarbonate.



    What is the best henhouse washing program in your opinion (step by steps) so that biosecurity is guaranteed?I think we explained it quite well in our management guide for laying hens. Please download it and check out the pages 6 & 7.
    Why are live attenuated vaccines not approved for AI as they exist for ND?
    Mainly for two reasons: 1. Because it is a disease that can potentially be transmitted to humans. We all remember bird flu, Spanish flu or seasonal flu. 2. Due to the high mutation and recombination capacity of the virus. So, there is reluctance to affect the evolution dinamycs of the virus by using live vaccines that would undoubtedly enter into co-evolution with field viruses.
    What are the main biosecurity points that should be improved for a better control of AI?If you let me choose six points I would say: Visit, Wild birds, Trucks, Manure, Dead birds, water (especially if you are using surface water).
    I consider that stamping out is economically non-viable for the farmer and may be the cause of his ruin. Do you still maintain that it is a viable tool for AI control?Yes, I still consider it as an option. I agree that it can be a hard-economic blow to the farmer but, if the disease is exotic to the area, preventing its spread at one-farm level is hugely advantageous to the industry as a whole. In addition, countries that do stamping out correctly often subsidies farmers for their losses in these cases.
    I think the most important thing is, the location away from the community and restricting people from entering and leaving the farm is the most effective way to maintain the health of the chickens on the farm. how about your opinion?I think you are touching on two main points in disease control. Humans undoubtedly play a fundamental role in its spread, but other possibilities of spread must be also considered.
    What do you think about HVT-AI vaccine ?
    I think they are not widely used and yet they can be of great help in maintaining high antibody titers. The limitation is that the HA protein insert of the vaccine must be antigenically relevant to the circulating field strains.
    For H7N3 in Mexico base on data 2014-2018 could controlled by vaccination?? What about H5N1 & H9N2?? Thank you. Brigitta IndonesiaNot completely. There have continued to be outbreaks from time to time. H5N1 and H9N2 are not present in Mexico. A good example for the latter two is Egypt. And the situation is similar. We can simplify by pointing out that vaccination does not solve the problem. It simply changes the scenario to a more benevolent one.
    How do we manage LPAI in low bio security farm if flock is affected and vaccination is not available in the region? If it has been infected by a strain containing H7 or H5 it should be considered same as highly pathogenic. It is very likely that the strain will mutate to highly pathogenic during the recirculation process on the farm. If it is a LPAI strain with another HA protein, the pathology can range from very severe as in some strains such as H9N2 to simple respiratory viral passage in others. In any case, no treatment is possible. However, to let this virus recirculate in domestic poultry is to give it the possibility to make things more complicated for us in the future.
    Do we need to vaccinate LPAI ( H9N2)? How?If an LPAI H9N2 virus is circulating in your area, it may be more than convenient. Normally two to three inactivated vaccines (at (1),5,15 weeks old) are given depending on the biosecurity on the rearing farm. These should be H9 specific vaccine and the shed should be antigenically relevant to the circulating field virus.
    If a layer farm is having LP AI outbreak never do AI vaccine before, so what should the farmer do to save the birds, in production and mortality aspect?This is a viral disease, so any treatment is illusory. The virus will produce damage depending on its virulence. I must recall again that LPAI viruses containing H5 and H7 can easily mutate to HPAI. If AI is recirculating in your area, strict biosecurity is necessary to avoid infection. Vaccination is also welcome in many cases. After that, There is no much that we can do.
    The Problem here in the Philippines, we are small islands so we dont have the luxury of a big land.
    Hope that there is something to give to aide incase hens are sickThe Problem here in the Philippines, we are small islands so we dont have the luxury of a big land.
    Hope that there is something to give to aide incase hens are sick
    Islands also have advantages in biosecurity programmes as natural compartments are established. I am well aware of the problems of land availability in the Philippines and other countries. In these cases, working correctly at the structural and operational biosecurity level is absolutely key to avoid serious disease problems. There is no treatment for AI and its recirculation in domestic poultry can lead to problems of new mutations.
    Can you use Enrofloxacine in Europe?It is allowed for therapeutic use, but not in the water for drinking to limit its use due to the development of resistance (crossing to other flouroquinolones).
    If I stop my Bacitrazine, what would be your first recommendation?Before taking the decision, evaluate your antibiotic use and your current situation in regards with biosecurity, management, health and nutrition. Small challenges lead to big results towards antibiotic reduction.
    In the Philippines Set-up, it is very hard to convince owners to be antibiotic-free. Unless, the National government mandates it. I wonder how other countries did it?We can say that the animal production industry worldwide is slowly working towards antibiotic reduction. Some countries phasing out completely antibiotic growth promoters and having a prudent approach towards therapeutic use (e.g. EU). Others ban critically important antibiotics, in a stepwise approach (e.g. Canada). Some operations have decided to produce without antibiotics in order to comply with consumer requirements or with export markets (e.g. US, Brazil, Thailand).
    How to control MG?The most obvious (though difficult to achieve in many areas) is to source the replacement flocks from mycoplasma-free sources. This needs to be paired with strict biosecurity measures and keeping single-age, all-in all-out management, as well as good monitoring. Vaccination is a useful solution when flocks can not be maintained free of infection. Antibiotic medication should not be used as a long term preventive solution as we have the danger of developing and spreading antimicrobial resistance. Controlling MG requires a lot of innital effort and continous discipline, it pays off.
    What you think of halquinol? Halquinol is not authorised as a veterinary medicinal product nor as a feed additive in Europe. Also it is mostly used for growth promotion, which is not a prudent use of antimicrobials, and can potentially lead to the development of resistance.
    Dear Marissa, nice presentatition. The farmer thought that high cost to added double feed additive. What do you think?? Thank you. Brigitta IndonesiaWhen the right approach is taking towards the reducion of antibiotics in production animals, including improvements in biosecurity, health programs, management and nutrition (including the use or the right feed additives) the advantages for the producers overcome the costs, productivity increases and also the costs of treating animals as well as the looses due to disease are reduced. Overall we can expect a more profitabile business in the long term.
    Do you prefer ILT programmes based on live attenuated or recombinant vaccines?If ILT is not recirculating in the area I prefer to use vectored vaccines (or no vaccines at all). If there is a challenge, then both types of vaccines have their pros and cons and can work. Let me tell you the most common mistakes in the use of both: in the case of live vaccines (and those of chicken embryo origin in particular) do not consider that if administered incorrectly there is a high chance of reversion to virulence. In the case of vectored vaccines, not understanding that they protect against clinical symptoms but not against virus replication. So bird are still infectious to other flock and it has consequences for control programmes.
    What do you recommend to improve the performance of the immune system?In rearing, achieve standard weights and good uniformity up to week 8, respect gut flora maturation and a good vaccination programme against Gumboro disease, Marek’s disease and CAV.
    In production, good feeding, i.e. correctly formulated feed and good feed intake, avoidance of thermal stress, avoidance of high light intensities and control of parasites in the birds.In rearing, achieve standard weights and good uniformity up to week 8, respect gut flora maturation and a good vaccination programme against Gumboro disease, Marek’s disease and CAV.
    In production, good feeding, i.e. correctly formulated feed and good feed intake, avoidance of thermal stress, avoidance of high light intensities and control of parasites in the birds.In rearing, achieve standard weights and good uniformity up to week 8, respect gut flora maturation and a good vaccination programme against Gumboro disease, Marek’s disease and CAV.
    In production, good feeding, i.e. correctly formulated feed and good feed intake, avoidance of thermal stress, avoidance of high light intensities and control of parasites in the birds.
    Should vaccines against genotype VII be included in the vaccination programme?It can be of great help, but the important point is to achieve high, uniform, early antibody titers and to maintain them by serial revaccination.
    Our problem in the Philippines is the supply of day old pullets coming from breeder in production during the months of March to May. They are basically smaller (less than 35 grams).What is your recommendation on this?If no more than 8% of the chicks are below 30 grams it is not a big problem as long as they are of good quality (active, awake, well formed). In any case, if part of the flock consists of smaller chicks, it is a good measure to place them in the warmest part of the house. If the whole flock consists of small chicks, the brooding temperature can be raised slightly, but the behaviour of the birds should be carefully monitored.
    For disinfectant what kind of active ingredient is recommended?There is several you can use. Most commonly used is Glutaraldehyde + Quaternary ammonium. It will say this should be your basic choice.
    Can you highlight the key different in broiler and layer immune system?Mucosal immune system of broilers characterized by dominant expression of immunoglobulin genes. Layers is characterized by cytokine gene expression. Likewise, there is a divergent inflammatory response between layers and broilers.
    Are you going to infrared debeaking in hatchery? Two DOP suppliers in the Philippines are already in that practice and it reduces the stress fo our young pullets.I think this topic is going to be cover by my colleague Maurice Raccoussier but yes, definitively, infrared beak treatment is a less aggressive procedure and birds will appreciate.
    In my farm ILT come at 3-4 wks old. May you recommended the ILT program for us?3-4 week is really early for an ILT outbreak. Probably for giving a correct solution we need to better understand the situation of your farm regarding biosecurity. In the meantime, I will start by using an HVT-ILT + POX-ILT and then probably to revaccinate as soon as possible. Send me a mail if you are interested in a tailor-made program.
    Would you prefer stay in personnel or stay out specially for the breeder farm? The point is that every visit is a risk. And therefore, it must be approached as a risk, i.e. with an assessment of the level of risk posed by the visit as well as the need for it. From a biosecurity point of view, there is no such thing as 100 % risk-free visits.
    What your recommend for disinfectant is secure to spray for worker & do you have data to support it?? Thank you. Gitta IndonesiaThere is no disinfectant that is 100 % safe for workers or animals, but those based on potassium monopersulphate and other salts act as slow oxidants and are usually said to be less aggressive. The companies (let me not use the trade name) that produce these products have plenty of evidence of their safety levels for humans and animals.
    Can I use the hybrid feed in white birds?Yes you can.
    If the birds aren’t eating the feed, what can I do?It is better if you contact us.
    What is your recommendation in delivering the feed?We recommend to deliver the 40% of the diet in the morning and 60% in the afternoon.
    Please share the best practice of teaching Hen not picky – eating big particles.Since week 5 you need to leave space in between feeding times during mornin-noon time.
    What do you prefer mash or crumbled layer feed?Mash
    What can farmer do if their layer is overweight?There are different of overweight layers. Please contact us.
    How we can maximize the lab test to test whether the feed meet the specification? ie. bioavailability or digestibility of Calcium and Phosphorus. Sometimes we are just rely on COA. The digestibility of Ca and P can’t be done in a lab analysis.
    Importance of uniformity?It is key for the success for the feed and also for the longevity and good egg shell at the end of production.
    Is pelleted layer diet necessary in hot climate?It is a option, not necessary.
    But isnt there is a certain limitation in the feed capacity of the layers? If a bird is small then they may have a problem eating 115 grms/dayThe H&N birds can expand their feed intake capacity as it is requiered by the type of feed offered.
    Its easy to self mixer to modify feed component. But difficult to farmer used feed from feedmill. Any suggestion?? Thank youYou will need to manage the feeding times to compensate what you can’t control.
    What do you think about feed intake between for free range system, cage free system and caged system ?Cage free birds will have higher requirements than caged birds. The feed will need to address it.
    How much feed can we increase or decrease per day? if a 5g difference okay?Please contact us.
    How is the Hydrogen peroxide as water sanitizer?Effective in a wider range of pH than chlorine, bertween 4 to 9. There are test strips to check concentration. .Great sanitizer which can control and prevent Biofilm better than Chlorine. Short contact time (less than 5 minutes). Higher cost than Chlorine. Corrosive effect on metalic equipments.
    How do you perform a good flushing of the water lines?• First step is to wash the inside of rinker lines with a solution of water and sanitizer at the right concentration. to loose the dirt. Good option is hydrogen peroxide at 3%.
    • Rinse at a ratio of one minute every 30 meters of the water line.
    • Allow to sanitiezr reach the biofilm and let it act for the right amount of time (accordingly to the label).
    • Rinse with high pressure water to loose all the compoments stick in the water pipe.
    • Always flush after the aplication of any product in the drinking water.
    • Flushing more ofter in hot weather and/or lower water intake (brooding). • First step is to wash the inside of rinker lines with a solution of water and sanitizer at the right concentration. to loose the dirt. Good option is hydrogen peroxide at 3%.
    • Rinse at a ratio of one minute every 30 meters of the water line.
    • Allow to sanitiezr reach the biofilm and let it act for the right amount of time (accordingly to the label).
    • Rinse with high pressure water to loose all the compoments stick in the water pipe.
    • Always flush after the aplication of any product in the drinking water.
    • Flushing more ofter in hot weather and/or lower water intake (brooding).
    What is the recommended flow rate for layers? ml per 30 sec?The unit is ml per minute. The ml depends on the brand and type of nipple. You must follow manufacter recommendations. Keep in mind that the flow rate changes depending on the bird age and body weight. You have nipples for rearing, production or for both periods.
    Please comment on the relationship of dirty eggs and water qualityResearchs show that one of the effects of poor water quality is on the intestinal transit. High levels of minerals produce a laxative effect, watery manure and a higher % of dirty eggs. Additionally, high levels of pathogens in the water could affect intestinal health, leading to diarrhea and a high percentage of dirty eggs as well.
    What are the recommended analysis for annual water test?Complete analysis: Minerals, hardness, alkalinity, pH and bacteriology.
    How can you gauge if nipple drinkers have excessive pressures or lack pressure? You need to measure the flow rate (cc / minute) and see if the number is the right for the age of the birds (following manufacture guidellines), also need to check the litter / manure belt conditions – if is too wet means the pressure is to high, check the cc per birds + water: feed ratio. All this information must be complemented with the weekly body weight gain, weekly production and weekly egg size. If there is drop of any of these parameters a low water pressure / availailty must be discarded.
    What’s your opinion on using chlorine dioxide for water sanitation for broiler & layers?It is a good sanitizer. Always use product with a stabalizer. Work good in a wider range of pH, short contact time to kill pathogens, excellent to destroy biofilm. Must be handled with caution and has corrosive effect on metalic equipments.. More expensive to apply than chlorine.
    How long do you have to flush the drinking line to remove traces of chlorine or other cleaning agents?The standard recommendations is flusing the water lines in a ratio of one minute for every 30 meters of drinking line.
    Is there any limit of fat content in layer diet?I would add more than 5 % of palm oil in diet.
    Is the 2 weeks lead time to appreciate the improvements also applicable to other supplements? whether in feed or in waterYes, in 2 weeks you should see a trend and by the end of the month some positive results. However not all the additives can be so responsive. If the birds have a deficiency about the nutrient added in the supplement is when you will see the fastest effects.
    How the reduce manure moisture in young peaking hens without affecting its water intake?You could use a toxin binder, clay type, to reduce it.